Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Why and How to Learn Arabic for Comprehension of the Quran" - Nouman Ali Khan

Tarique's nikkah friend knows what's up.

SubhanAllah, it seems anywhere I turn nowadays, I keep being reminded to focus on the Quran... I need need need to let go of my ego and overcome my lethargy to finally, properly learn tajweed.

I miss Troy.

JazakAllah khair for sharing, Faycal.

Nouman Ali Khan of the Bayyinah Arabic Institute ( gave this speech in Houston, Texas. He explains the importance of studying Arabic for comprehension of the Quran. And he discusses the pitfalls of many techniques used by students. Finally, he describes the advantages of the methods used by Bayyinah. A must-see for any student studying Arabic to better understand the Quran and Islam.

EDIT/UPDATE: subhanAllah!! I just looked over the website/program that he plugs at the end of his program. The program is designed to help people.... not just learn Arabic, but learn enough that they may get more from their prayer.

DEFINITELY check it out:
Particularly the ONLINE section:

Bayyinah is humbled and proud to announce the launch of its OLINE INITIATIVE. At this time our online program is designed to review and then advance the studies initiated through the Fundamentals of Classical Arabic, ten evening intensive. The intensive has been taught in numerous communities around the country and now students have a chance to refresh what they originally learned and move on to complete the entire Qur'anic Arabic track.

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