Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Very Random Things

So I blogged rather than facebooked, but it's cool; I'll fix it up when it's imported, iA...

RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, and/or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under applications on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people including me(in the upper right hand corner of the app), select your privacy setting, then click publish.)

1. I really, really wish I had a nice singing voice.

2. I love talking (on the phone) before going to bed / falling asleep.

3. One of my life goals is to be a character on The Simpsons. No, seriously.

4. I love to write. And I wish I had the guts to show it to people.

5. I like to have a basic knowledge of... everything ("jack of all trades, but a master of none," but I prefer to think I just have diverse tastes in...things?)

6. As a kid, I was scared of snakes, especially in water (thanks, Indiana Jones).

7. I get hurt very easily, but if the offending party genuinely apologizes, I usually end up liking them more than I did before the offense.

8. I fully stand by my statement: "If God had blessed my life with a Muslim Jon Stewart, my life would be complete... unfortunately, He only made one Jon and He made him 'Jon Stuart Liebowitz.' "

9. I also dislike watching TV without multi-tasking. Waste o' time.

10. I need to be involved with community work. Otherwise I feel worthless.

11. My biggest fear as a child (which still persists, a bit) was to fall asleep at night and wake up the next morning middle-aged, unhappy, and "unaccomplished."

12. I love porches and verandas. and swings.

13. I've never broken a bone (alhumdulillah!). Closest I've come is an "almost hairline fracture" (doc's words, not mine) endured during a lunchtime basketball game in 7th grade...

14. I think I would love to be a housewife. I could get so much more accomplished. The only downside may be feeling like a financial burden.

15. I actually enjoy looking at other peoples' family albums.

16. I was a total tomboy as a kid (with the scars to prove it), but I was also a closet-nerd.

17. I have more faith in people than I'll publicly admit.

18. When I was 6, my cousin hit me on the head with a frying pan.

19. I hate when people think anything short of perfection isn't worth pursuing.

20. That being said, complacency also annoys me.

21. While I'm not completely against the idea, I don't really aspire to be a homeowner.

22. I often give advice in the form of "Farah's Life Lesson ####:..."

23. I have been featured in a webcomic (Thanks, Chen!)

24. I'll joke and try to get along with everyone, but those that I truly consider close friends (regardless of how much/little we may talk) are those with whom I can be serious or discuss religion and/or those who push me to do good.

25. I've spent the last 30 minutes pretending to fill out this thing instead of actually doing the homework I have that's due in 2 hours.


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