Thursday, February 07, 2008

Moment of Zen: Rock, Paper, Beatdown

Watch here. I assure you, it's fantastic.

It has already been established early in the life of Das FanHaus' Moment of Zen that Japanese game shows do not do anything simply. In this week's installment, the traditional game of Rock, Paper, Scissors is given a wonderfully random penalty: Winner gets to pummel loser with a paper fan. While we all know from playing Super Smash Bros. that the paper fan is relatively harmless, although powerful swift, the loser is given time to grab a handy hard hat. The following clip illustrates one of the version's main flaws, namely the loser's bloodlust. Frustration mounts as the defeats pile up, only to be unleashed in a furious combo attack.

Somewhere around the :10 mark, Player 2 nails the down, forward, down, down-forward, forward strong punch special move and opens it up. He is later restrained around :20 for an outstanding Slo-Mo replay.

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