Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Barak Obollywood

I think the youtube description sets it up pretty well: "East meets West meets acid."

Does this count as fear-mongering?

On the plus side, at least I finally have a song to dance to at Fooz's mehndi....

1 comment:

Eric said...

Oh, Arrested Development, yet another great show Fox cancels to replace with something that costs less in the short term, but costs the american people much more in the long. (I hate you Fox, this show was so constantly hilarious... )

As for Olbermann, I don't really watch, but did see regular links to him for awhile in various places where he was angry (justifiably so) at many things.

The negatives I heard were either from people who didn't agree with him or felt he was too over the top.

I don't think anyone minds some biases, as long as people acknowledge it. It's when the bias is willfully ignored by the media personality that it can be a problem.