Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jake Shimabukuro

So Conan was on in the background tonight, as I sat online going through pages and pages of GoogleReader, and in the back recesses of my eardrums, I hear this soft, melodious music drifting from the TV. It was one of those situations where I had to stop what I was doing and give this guy my full attention, cuz damn. He goes from these slow, almost familiar melodies and then progressively picks up speed, going faster and faster, his fingers rapping over and over the strings of the tiny ukulele cradled in his arms like some child's toy he happened to pick up and revolutionize before our very eyes.

I love it. I could just need sleep, but Conan clearly dug it as well.


Meraj said...

yeah theres a vide of him doing the same song in central park on youtube, its been out for a while. but this is the first time ive seen him perform it on TV. its awesome, i liked this performance the best. its amazing how he took something that we used to think as some hawiian novelty instrument and actually made beautiful music with it. major props. and cool a name too.

fny21 said...

word. it almost puts my 3rd grade "rubber bands with different thicknesses strung across an empty kleenex box" ukulele to shame. almost.