Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tragic Retraction

Contrary to popular belief, apparently Baron Davis ISN'T shaving his beard. woo and such.

"I'm gettin' my beard lined up so when I grow it, it'll be nice and full" [Source, 10/3/07] (from the video)

FTB, def glad you respect my gridn and the old skool style, ya dig. I may rock a design in the beard this year…Let me know what I should do. Lol.
[Source, 10/8/07]


Old news, on the beard front:

The boy who never troubled his grandmother is in a state of rebellion. She has pleaded with him, chastised him, told him how ridiculous he looks with that awful beard.

It's overgrown. It covers half his face. It makes him seem so menacing, she says. But Baron Davis isn't budging. He refuses to get rid of his "grind," no matter how much the most important woman in his life tells him to.

"She don't understand -- I'm in grind mode," Davis says. "It's what I do in the summer. I grind. I hustle. I don't have time to get no haircut."

Time for a haircut? Davis would sooner speed up his schedule than surrender his grind.

"I told him yesterday," [his grandma] says firmly, " 'Get that beard off.' "

[Source for the aboves, 8/25/05]

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