Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Last 10 Days of Ramadan 2006 (Part 1)

a worthwhile forward... from Sarah P [written by the president of mas (muslim american society) youth]


"In any race, the final few meters (in running races) or the final few minutes (in basketball games) are the ones that determine the winner. The one who can give the most of what they have in the last period is the gold medalist. In that period, the body is exhausted, but the coach will say: Give it all what you have. It is only few minutes and if we win, we will celebrate forever.

When we lift weights, our muscles benefit only when we push it beyond its limit. If we lift light weight, we do not gain benefit. Only when we push ourselves beyond its comfort, we benefit.

When we sweat and suffer, we benefit.

Our race to reaching the forgiveness and the mercy of Allah, swt, in the month of Ramadan, is coming to its final stretch. The body is exhausted and the undisciplined soul is complaining. The winner is the one who will push himself or herself further. The winner is the one who will roll the sleeves and give it all what he or she has.

Our quest to discipline ourselves and bring taqwa (consciousness of Allah) to it will bear fruits only when we go beyond our comfort by standing up at night, reducing our sleep & reducing our association with this dunya. The benefit will come when we sweat in the worship of Allah.

This week is not about business as usual. This coming week is not about career goals. This week is not about exams, deadlines or projects. All of this can wait, because this week will not come back again for one full year.

This week is about detaching oneself from dunya and attaching it to Allah, swt. Forcing ourselves to submit, remember and worship the Creator. If we can not detach ourselves physically (by going to Itikaf in the mosques), then at least detach mentally and emotionally. While at work and school, keep our tongue busy "O Allah, you are the most forgiving, you love to forgive, forgive me". While at home, make dua, stand up in prayer, give charity by helping others as much as you can.

This week is about doing everything we possibly can to purify our souls. Sincerely fasting & praying at night will, inshAllah, wipe out our previous sins. Giving charity will purify our soul. Combined, it will rid our soul of its illness and bring taqwa back to the heart.

The one who pushes himself or herself to the limit this week, will receive the greatest reward from Allah: Celebrate the day of Eid as a new person.

This is truly a great achievement. Everyone should strive for it.

O Allah, accept our fasting and our prayers, strengthen our faith, forgive our sins and make us of those who are accepted in this month of Ramadan. We ask You to empower and strengthen our leaders and to guide us all to Your straight path. Ameen."

1 comment:

fny21 said...

*edited*. jazaks