Thursday, July 20, 2006

Desi Rehabilitation (Goodness Gracious Me)

from what i gather, "Goodness Gracious Me" is a british show geared towards the pakistani/indian/bengali (read: "desi") community in europe. though some of the clips are usually smirk worthy, i found this one fairly amusing... though you might not, if you're not brown. :shrug:


Anonymous said...

woah, you have a blog? is that an auntie giving me the finger? dman I wish I had sound at work.

fny21 said...

haha alas, i've hopped (back) on to the blogwagon. but it's really just a compilation of my profile links, since i tend to run out of space for those fairly quickly...and plus, once they're out, they're gone forever, which kinda sucks.

but yea, amusing video. get sound.