Thursday, February 12, 2009


Though I generally make it a point to avoid writing personal thoughts beyond "I think this is awesome" on this blog, I think I might be turning towards a new direction soon. I've had a lot to think about over the course of the past year, and while I hope it's all coalescing soon, I know nothing will make sense to me until I force those rusted up gears in my head to slowly turn and crank out some coherence. This should take a while.

However, I'm still rather paranoid about the inevitable collision of my online, mental and real-life worlds. Maybe I should just take up writing on another site? Hm. Until then, chances are, if you try to discuss things with me in the real world, I'll just pretend I didn't hear you. And if you share this on google reader, I'll punch you in the face.

I can't imagine how people don't believe in qadr (destiny). I'm awestruck at all the little 'serendipitous' occurrences that truly shaped my personality. Alhumdulillah; Allah swt has definitely blessed me with the people who surround me, and those who walk in and out of my life... Alhumduilllah for ALIM; it really did change my life in ways I never imagined it would or even realized it did until very recently. It gave me such a strong foundation and structure for my thoughts, and just a new lens through which I could look at the world and my life. I still struggle to implement those changes. I still struggle to UNDERSTAND those changes.

It is what it is; we do what we can.

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