Saturday, March 01, 2008

Smear Campaign Speaks Volumes About Society by Ahmed Rehab (CAIR)

Oh, Chicago Tribune. You liberal fascists, allowing those terroristic mozlems over at CAIR onto your website. For Shame!

Just kidding. Kinda.

Okay, no, really. Totally joking.

Sigh. A Missed Point on Faith.

It goes against all that I advocate that the mere rumor of a person being a Muslim -- let alone actually being one -- could be a tool to destroy political aspirations. This in a nation that prides itself on being the heart of the free world.

I am not drawn to Obama for any other reason but his political outlook, one that brings me hope that we can move beyond divisiveness and polarization and toward a new unity for the common good.

So it is not that I am offended as a Muslim that Obama would not want to be one; I couldn't care less. I am casting a vote for the next president of the United States, not the next imam of my mosque.

It's just that I was audaciously hopeful that Obama would be the candidate to finally break the silence on the political marginalization of American Muslims.

He could start by saying something like: "There is not a Christian America, or a Jewish America, or a Muslim America. There is the United States of America."

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