Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sh. Hamza Yusuf - What Are We Doing With Our Lives (Lecture)

apparently, Zaytuna Institute has a bunch of audio lectures online. Check out Sh. Hamza Yusuf - What Are We Doing With Our Lives, which, i believe, was given on the 27th of Ramadan (the night most thought to be Laylatul Qadr - The Night of Power, or the Night the Quran was believed to be first revealed to the earth). an excerpt below. apologies in advance for the typos and etc -- 1. i was typing waaay too fast (or trying to, at least) and 2. i dont know arabic so couldnt transcribe the arabic sections (which, i'm assuming, are either hadith or quranic ayahs).


Because Allah says, "Amongst people, there are those who have taken idols besides God. Things that they worship besides God, but those-who-believe love God more than those people love their idols." so i want to ask myself and all of you, when you look out there and see how much these people have invested in their dunya, you ask yourselves, have you invested one tenth of what they've invested in their dunya, in your akhirah? Because there's people who wake up at 5 am every morning to jog so they can stay healthy and enjoy their lives. and there's people who don't get up for fajr. there's people who get up for work every morning so that they can get their returns, so that they can buy their houses, so that they can buy their fancy cars, and there's people that don't even pay their zakat for Allah SWT.

[arabic]"And those-who-believe love Allah more than they love their idols" more than the people out there love whatever gods they've placed beside God. because [arabic] "the one addicted to ilicit sex is like the worshipper of an idol." "the one who is addicted to intoxicants [drugs, alcohol], is like the worshipper of an idol." is like the worshipper of an idol!

so what is your god? this is what you have to ask yourself. whom are you worshipping?

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